After such a successful open studio event in June, I’m opening my studio doors again – on Saturday! It’s currently less than 2 days to go and I’m in slight trepidation as we have an 11 week old black lab puppy. He is the cutest thing but he’s definitely taking up a lot of my time!!!!
However, things are coming together, new work is ready and framed and I’m really looking forward to welcoming people on Saturday. There are 4 other artists and makers opening alongside me – I hope I manage to find time to whizz round and see their work.

The flyer above should give you all the information you need and if you’re local it would be lovely to see you. On the day just look out for the bright green venue boards we will each be displaying. It should make it really easy to find us – I’m number 2!
If you’re not able to make it, I’ve just updated my website where you can see my new limited edition floral prints. I’d love to know what you think – so do let me know.
Right, better nip back into the studio to finish off a few bits and pieces while the pup’s asleep!